I'm New... What Can I Expect?

A Warm Welcome

When you come to visit we will greet you warmly when you walk in the door. We trust that you will be a “stranger” only once.  You will notice people from all age groups.  You will also notice that some people are dressed in their “Sunday best” while others are dressed very informally. Really, Main Street does not have a set dress code. We invite you to come in what you are comfortable wearing. Nursery services are available for children under 3 years of age.  Junior Church for children up to grade 5 is also available during the morning service. We have Bibles available for visitors so you can follow along with our Bible study or worship service.

We Sing

You will notice we sing several songs during our worship to God. Our worship team or service leader will lead and everyone sings out — an indication of our genuine love for God. You can sing if you want, or you can simply listen.

We Pray

We offer prayers to God for His guidance and care. We pray for God’s comfort and healing of the sick, we pray for those traveling, we pray for our nation’s leaders, and we pray we can be pleasing to God. Our prayers are heartfelt!

We Study the Bible

You will notice each Sunday that our sermons are really based on the Bible! We provide insight into God’s Word and you will find the lessons helpful in your efforts to be pleasing to God. We promise you will learn a lot and you will feel strengthened by the message preached.

We have Classes for All Ages

If you visit us for our Sunday School, you will see that there are classes designed for different age groups — from nursery to adult. Our classes are taught by excellent teachers who will help the Bible come alive and will offer practical applications of Bible concepts for daily living.

We Contribute

We take up a weekly collection for the work of the church here, but, we do not expect our visitors to contribute! After all, you are visiting. You should not contribute to our work until such time as you feel you can do so in good conscience.

We Remember Jesus’ Death

We partake of the Lord’s Supper (communion) once a month by thinking about Jesus’ death on the cross for us. If you are a Christian, please join us and partake when the bread and cup is passed your way. If you are not a Christian, we ask that you just pass it along — don’t worry, you won’t be alone.